Vegan options at Baker’s Delight

baker's delight

Did you know that mall bakery franchise Baker’s Delight has all kinds of vegan options? This was recent news to me.

Products that are vegan-suitable are labelled on their website (for example, the delicious Apple and Walnut Scroll pictured above). In store, you can also ask to see an ingredients list for anything on display, and staff will print it out for you on receipt paper.

Baker’s Delight is in lots of places in Auckland, and around New Zealand.

16 thoughts on “Vegan options at Baker’s Delight

  1. To get a quick run down of what products are marked as vegan on their site, enter the following in a google search window…..

    “suitable for vegans”

  2. The recipes are the same in Australia, so if you’re ever over there, the same products are suitable. This can be wonderful when you’re in a strange town, can’t trust the cafes and are in need of breakfast!

  3. NO WAY!!! Oh my holy hot fudge, I really, REALLY hope that is also the case in Oz! I used to LOVE those little scroll guys! Yum! Thanks for the heads up. 🙂

  4. Oh, my goodness, my husband is going to be in sweet treat heaven now! There’s a bakers delight just around the corner from us. Great website – thank you.

  5. Love these tips! I will be visiting Auckland (from San Francisco bay area, California) in a few weeks and I’m a little worried that eating will be difficult. I’m definitely going to check out these places. Thank you!

    1. Enjoy Auckland, although kinda of a bad time of year to visit, given how lovely it is in Cali right now. I just relocated back to NZ from the Bay Area (Pleasanton) – but the winter is really getting me down!

      With regards to finding things to eat – it’s not to bad these days actually. You should also check out the resources on the website, in particular they have a PDF list many products which are vegan at the supermarkets.!__tool-kit


      1. Thanks Paul! I’d love to come at a better time of year, but I’m not going to be picky about when I can get 2 weeks off at work.
        I can’t say I’ve spent much time (or any time, really) in Pleasanton. I’m an Oaklander myself, by way of Detroit, Michigan.
        I’m renting an apartment in Auckland, I wanted a kitchen so I didn’t have to eat out for every meal.
        I’m really looking forward to my visit, even if it is winter. I’ve been checking the weather and it seems kind of like an Oakland winter, but perhaps I’m being optimistic.

  6. Be warned though, don’t take their “suitable for vegans” as gospel and read the ingredients list, I found two items listed as vegan to contain dairy products. I emailed their head office and told the folks in the shop but never heard back

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