Ice cream cones at Giapo

a cone of sorbet

Something else about Giapo: they’re now making vegan cones! So now you have two decisions to make when you visit: which two sorbet flavours you want, and whether they should go in a cup or cone.

The cone pictured above was full of grapefruit and cocoa. Grapefruit is lovely: perfectly sour and citrussy. I hope it makes regular appearances through Auckland’s grapefruit season.

6 thoughts on “Ice cream cones at Giapo

  1. Yes Moira! We will certainly try to have grapefruit as much as we can throug our crowd source system.

    One thing worth to add is that we made the vegan cones with just organic flour, orgnaic sugar and water and without any vegetable fat which usually is the culprit of Trans Fat for ever banned at giapo..

  2. Flew up to Auckland for a break from the shakeys down south.. looks like my visit just became a whole lot more exciting! I think we have a date tomorrow Giapo!

  3. Hi Moira, just thought you might like this recipe for a refreshing vegan smoothie:

    3 tablespoons organic almond butter
    1/4 cup organic coconut milk
    2 teaspoons raw cocoa powder
    1/2 – 1 cup ice
    2-4 tablespoons water (or other liquid)

    Blend & enjoy 🙂

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